A Mis(s) – take, or so I thought


May 15, 2017 by petrujviljoen

I have a toothache. It’s the jam. Some got in. It’s worrying the nerve. I made a jar full the other day from Ouma’s* Cookery Book, Ouma having been the wife of one of South Africa’s (sometimes, mostly) brilliant Prime Ministers.

He … I wanted to talk about Isie. Isie Smuts, nee Krige, wife of Jan Smuts. That in this day and age her profile hasn’t been updated is lamentable. I should’ve been able to find as much information about her, at the touch of the keyboard, as I did about him.

I did, however, find an interesting link between Ouma Isie and the South African author and feminist Olive Schreiner, who wrote the internationally famous The Story of an African Farm – they exchanged letters for almost seventeen years, Ms Schreiner often advising Jan Smuts on politics, particularly the Native Question. If he followed her advice the South African political landscape (as it was in 1948) may have been very different much sooner!

The recipe is for a Marrow* Marmalade. It seemed simple enough to make and I duly put butternut on my grocery list. Don’t ask. Please.It made a lovely, velvety jam and I’m not sorry, not sorry at all. I have some cloves for the toothache.


Days are much shorter

Wakeful nights fraying nerve’s ends

No sweet lullabies

*Ouma – Granny

*Marrow – courgette

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Linked to Dverse, Haibun Monday

22 thoughts on “A Mis(s) – take, or so I thought

  1. ZQ says:

    That was exceptional!

  2. Sabio Lantz says:

    quite a contrasting Haiku

  3. I like how you weaved the marmalade with the political history and making it almost counterfactual… if only if… and maybe there would have been less a toothache as well 🙂

  4. Grace says:

    Looks yummy but be careful of that toothache ~

  5. qbit says:

    Really interesting way to work in the politics into the “recipe”.

  6. Shame about the toothache. I hear it in the haiku.

  7. Delightful and thought provoking write…the marmalade looks fantastic.

  8. Macxermillio says:

    How do you think the political landscape would been more different much sooner? In what way?

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