

April 6, 2017 by petrujviljoen

Here, now, it is morning. Sunny and bright and a good day to all of you too. The earth continues on its axis, ever imperceptibly slowing yet fixed in its orbit, thank goodness, now there’s something to depend on. Yesterday was and tomorrow will be or so we hope. I think I am


contemplating light on water and probably I am but I know, I know. The past is waiting, lurking, biding its time to intrude and snatch me back into coils of confusion effectively wiping out the present moment so it never can be again,

quite like this.

Except I know, I think I also know, I can take into account things aren’t quite as it has been constructed. Leap years, leap seconds having to be added points to time as misconstrued, made to fit a paradigm to afford convenience.  It’s one o’ clock I must be hungry.

A cross beam of light, unaccounted for, a mere intuition in that place where time has passed, slants across situational conditioning. I wait. And while I wait I look


realising the pulse of earth and stone, adjusting the beat of my heart accordingly, creating space for insight. How to –yes – escape

the device.

Grace of the earth contains expected apprehension – patient yielding.

Linked to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, hosted by Bjorn Rudberg.

Added links regarding research:

No leap second for December 31, 2021


13 thoughts on “Here

  1. Kelly Smith says:

    Great blogpost

  2. Jana H White says:

    You navigated the prompt of “time” with subtle grace, Petru…. in a beautifully inclusive poetic voice. I truly enjoyed the cadence as it unfolded.

  3. susanmehr says:

    I enjoyed it’s flowing movement especially the teasing of time.

  4. Rommy Driks says:

    The tone in this is very nice – thoughtful. Those breaks in the line make for lovely grace notes as well. The rest of the poem flows like a river around them.

  5. Wonderfully captivating, write 😀

  6. Love the uncertainty you do, yet the movement is there, just as time move different at will.

  7. I really like the structure of your piece, the single-word structure make me stop and really feel what’s being said.

  8. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    Wow! How fitting that you’re the last person to link – as I think this must surely be the last word on the subject! 🙂

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